Book An Appointment

Please contact me to book an appointment.

New Clients

If you haven’t received treatment from me before, you will need to book a free 10-minute consultation first. This allows me to assess whether Holistic Recharge is the right fit for you.

Initial Appointment

Before your initial appointment, please take a moment to review the Informed Consent page.


I am based in South Wellington. Appointment details will be emailed to you when your booking is confirmed.

Please arrive for your appointment well-hydrated.


Payment is expected at the time of your appointment, either through internet banking or cash.

Free Initial Consultation—10 minutes

Free 10-minute phone call to discuss if Holistic Recharge is right for you.

First Appointment—90 minutes—$160

Free 10-minute phone call is required before you make your first appointment.

For those with chronic, long term or complex illness. Includes: taking a thorough history; assessment, including organ/meridian voltage assessment; treatment planning; lifestyle and supplement suggestions; treatment protocols as time permits.

For more information on protocols refer to Six Step Protocol and Autonomic Nervous System Rebalancing

Follow-up Appointment—90 minutes—$140

Includes organ/meridian voltage assessment and a combination of protocols/therapies tailored to your individual needs, which may include:

All or part of a 6-step protocol to reset your body into healing mode. This increases the energy in your body’s battery system, adds voltage to your cells, balancing and recharging the whole body and autonomic nervous system.

Specific area treatments include work on areas of pain or injury, brain waves, foot massage or face, head and neck massage.

For more information on protocols refer to Six Step Protocol and Autonomic Nervous System Rebalancing

Relaxation Treatment—75 minutes—$125

Brief history, organ/meridian voltage assessment, autonomic nervous system reset, essential oils, total body recharge using solfeggio frequencies. Foot massage, or face, head and neck massage.

For more information on protocols refer to Six Step Protocol and Autonomic Nervous System Rebalancing

Acute Treatment—60 minutes—$100

For treatment of acute injury/issue or where you want an appointment focussing on one area.

Phone/video Consultation—60 minutes—$100

For those who cannot come in person. Includes: taking a thorough history, lifestyle and supplement suggestions. I may guide you to reading material, websites, further investigations or give you information on other practitioners that may be of help to you.

After you’ve scheduled an appointment, I’ll contact you to discuss your preferred mode of communication, whether it’s through Zoom video, WhatsApp video call, or a phone call.

How many sessions will I need?

This will depend on the nature of the problem and how long you have had it. You may simply want to recharge, balance your system for general health or have a relaxation treatment. To maintain optimal health it is a good idea to recharge regularly. I find weekly works well. If you have an acute issue such as muscular back pain, you may only need one or two treatments. It can be helpful to have several treatments in a week. Chronic problems typically take longer, but this is not always the case. A rule of thumb is one treatment for every month you have had the problem. I find that if we can get to the cause of the problem we can resolve it more quickly. For example, you may be eating a good diet, but it might not be right for you, if we make adjustments and take out things you are sensitive to, or increase the intake of the foods your body requires, you are removing the energy stealers and adding energy donors and you can heal a lot more quickly.


Every treatment is individualised according to assessment of your needs, and provided in a warm, nurturing environment.

I will take a thorough medical history, which includes questions designed to determine where your body is low in voltage and why. I use tools such as the Chinese body clock, meridian tooth and organ relationships, metabolic typing, and your blood type as part of my assessment, as well as looking at any blood results or other information you bring to your appointment.

Treatment planning may include research undertaken after the first appointment. I use a combination of holistic therapies and am guided by your history, voltage assessment, and the biofeedback I receive when using the devices on your body.

I may not work on the area of your body where you feel you have an issue. Your health issue is often a symptom of a problem in another part of your body, along the same meridian. The biomodulator can help find where the problem is. For example, you may have a sore hip; the hip is on the gallbladder meridian. When assessing your gallbladder meridian, I might find it is low in voltage. I will then need to work on putting voltage into your gallbladder meridian so that you have enough energy in this meridian for your hip to heal.

I will need to try to work out why you have low voltage in this meridian; one reason could be emotions. Every organ has a corresponding emotion; the gallbladder stores a lot of emotions. The specific emotion for the liver/gallbladder circuit is anger. The word emotion is ‘e’ (for energy) and motion; your feelings should be in motion. Sometimes we do not resolve emotions and they get trapped in the body, lowering the voltage. The biomodulator can help restore the energy flow in the circuits, assisting your body to heal itself.

Treatments may include specific essential oil blends designed to match the frequencies of individual organs. The biomodulator and essential oils work synergistically, giving a layering effect that is exponentially greater than the individual treatments. I often use herbal-infused oils and balms that I have made, which include plants that I have grown or foraged. I may play healing frequency music, particularly during massage or total body recharge.

Please note that while you are having the total body recharge or the emotional release protocol part of the session, I will leave the room, as this part of the therapy is best done alone where you can relax and focus.

I may give advice regarding specific dietary needs, herbs, lifestyle, or suggest specific testing such as hair analysis for food sensitivities. I can prescribe practitioner only quality natural medicines and supplements. I may recommend a bespoke blend of oils or balms which I will custom make for you. This will incur an additional charge.

Please drink plenty of water after treatments. The treatment will still be taking effect for up to 24 hours afterwards.

Holistic Recharge Recharge to Heal

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Next page: Six-step Holistic Protocol